15 years ago, didn’t we all say email was dead? Long live the blog!

And a decade ago, didn’t we all say blogs were dead? Long live social media!

And now, here we are in 2024. I’m literally emailing you my blog.

This world is a wacky place. Who can understand it?

I can; which is why I’ve started a Substack. Just kidding. If that were the case, I would have activated the paywall and I’d be selling subscriptions.

I can’t keep up with the changes. And even if I could, I’d much rather ground myself in the things that are unchangeable. In the One who is Unchanging.

Who Am I?

My name is Dan. I’m a pastor. Sometimes I teach Sunday School, sometimes I teach kids, and often I teach high schoolers and middle schoolers. All the time I have thoughts and musings rattling around in my mind.

And this is where those thoughts are finding a home.

I’ve created this Substack to be a resource to put some of the things I’ve said and thought and taught in print. A lot of it will be revisions and expansions of my ministry at Union Lake Baptist Church. But occasionally I’ll have some fresh musings as well.

Like and subscribe or do whatever it is you do here – I’m still learning.

 But hopefully it helps and encourages someone.

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Free vs Paid Subscriptions

I don’t have a paid option. It’s all free.

However, whenever I link to Amazon, it’s an affiliate link - meaning I get a small kickback on whatever is purchased through my recommendations.

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Thoughts and musings by Dan Seidelman